Arenas, Marianne Claire
Carino, Kim Carla
Cuyugan, Arriane Emille
Gabatino, Ray Bryan
Rizaldo, Jether Ann
The Selling Scenario
This scenario involves a salesperson representing the Sales Representative of The Drapery Project (TDP) and a buyer representing Saint Louis University from the School of Accountancy and Business Management. When it comes to theatre curtains and draperies for schools and theatrical companies, The Drapery Project has been providing excellent service since 1949. With its many competitors in the market The Drapery Project’s market share of 23 percent makes the company a leader in the industry of drapery services and products. TDP’s selling efforts are organized on a basis of market types: one department sells direct to end users, and a second department sells to distributors who in turn sell to retailers of fixture, furniture and exclusive drapery shops. There is a restricted minimum order of Php 250,000.00 for Direct Sales to End Users. As a part of its new building design and campus, SLU – SABM wants to provide a better environment to learn and be comfortable inside their classrooms thus adding draperies to each room especially for rooms with built in projector and protection from too much sunlight. TDP estimates potential sales of Php 300,000 to Php 650,000. This range represents differences in both quantity and types of drapery desired. According to the Request for Proposals, funding this project is being provided through equity funds (stock). With this base level of knowledge of the buyer’s situation, the salesperson is working through ADAPT questioning sequence with the buyer in order to better identify and confirm the actual needs and expectations regarding the draperies.
Seller: How many rooms does this School of Accountancy and Business Management have or contain?
Buyer: It has around 135 rooms which includes the 50 class rooms with built-in