Central Research Question :
What are the major adaptive behaviors of the people in response to climate change?
How government and other concerning authorities response according to their policy in order to cope with climate change? Importance of the research topic :
The world’s climate is changing and will continue to change into the coming century at rates projected to be unprecedented in recent human history. The risks associated with these changes are real but highly uncertain. Societal vulnerability to the risks associated with climate change may exacerbate ongoing social and economic challenges, particularly for those parts of societies dependent on resources that are sensitive to changes in climate. Risks are apparent in agriculture, fisheries and many other components that constitute the livelihood of rural populations in developing countries.
In terms of the impact of climate change, few places in the world will experience the range of effects and the severity of changes that will occur in Bangladesh. These global warming-induced changes will almost all have negative impacts on the population of Bangladesh; a country that already has around half of its citizens living below the poverty line. Forced migration threatens to be a major consequence. Climate change adaptation urgently needs to be developed and applied in Bangladesh. Climate change will affect all areas of development work; mitigation and adaptation policies therefore need to be integrated into all existing projects and programs.
So, this research topic is very important particularly in low-lying poor countries like Bangladesh, at huge risk of becoming displaced. Increased attention and funding to support adaptation initiatives that enable communities to sustain their livelihoods despite increasingly hostile environmental conditions will enable