Drug addiction leads adult down the road of consequences, which such consequences could lead to pregnancy and childbirth. Some addicts may try to clean up during pregnancy however; there are plenty of people addicted to drugs so bad that it consumes their mind. Society has to take in account that there have been studies done on the effects of a parent addicted to drugs raising children. One can find facts that have found that there are parents that are considered functioning drug addicts. Some drug addicted parents are not involved in their children’s life. Now this leads society to wonder about some of the effects that the child may experience. Some children may have serious or several health issues when they are born addicted to drugs. Experts have also shown that some children may not have a medical issue but
Drug addiction leads adult down the road of consequences, which such consequences could lead to pregnancy and childbirth. Some addicts may try to clean up during pregnancy however; there are plenty of people addicted to drugs so bad that it consumes their mind. Society has to take in account that there have been studies done on the effects of a parent addicted to drugs raising children. One can find facts that have found that there are parents that are considered functioning drug addicts. Some drug addicted parents are not involved in their children’s life. Now this leads society to wonder about some of the effects that the child may experience. Some children may have serious or several health issues when they are born addicted to drugs. Experts have also shown that some children may not have a medical issue but