Liberty University
This research paper will evaluate the biological aspects of addictive substance or behavior and how it affects the brain and organs. Biological aspects include dopamine levels that are replaced in the brain due to the reward system being overtaken and the absorption rate of the drug once it is ingested will be discussed. The biological aspects are extensive and permanent if the individual does not get the help they need. Furthermore the clinical issues of addictive substance or behavior will be discussed along with medical treatments and ethical issues. This includes treatments such as counseling and treatment programs that are effective. Lastly the Christian worldview implications and how it affects Christian counselors will be addressed. How the church may view individuals who have an addiction and how a counselor approaches a client with an addiction. Addiction is something that is an epidemic in the world of the devil and it should be evaluated and taken seriously.
People use drugs for a variety of reasons, some may be to self-medicate, to overcome anxiety, to deal with a past that they want to forget, or even just to fit in with a crowd. However, most of the users, initially, do not think or care of the after side effects which could include addiction. There are many factors that come into play on if a person will be more susceptible to addictions such as “heredity, environment, psychoactive drugs and compulsive behaviors” (Inaba & Cohen, 2011).
Drugs affect many areas of a person’s body, the central nervous system (CNS) is effected “causing mental, emotional and physical changes” (Inaba & Cohen, 2011). Pharmacokinetics describes this process by which a drug is “absorbed, distributed, metabolized, eliminated, and excreted by the body” (Inaba & Cohen, 2011). The
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