COUN 711 D03
Susan Folger
Liberty University
Cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly used in the treatment for drug-dependent individuals. CBT is a short-term brief approach that is used as a treatment for drug abuse and dependence. CBT has been rigorously evaluated in clinical trials and has solid empirical support as treatment for drug addiction. There is evidence that CBT is effective with severely addicted individuals. CBT is structured, goal-oriented and focused on the immediate problems faced by drug addicts that are entering treatment and are struggling to control their drug abuse. CBT is flexible and uses an individualized approach that is adaptable to a wide range of patients as well as a variety of settings such as inpatient and outpatient and also uses different formats such as group or individual. CBT works well with other treatments used during other treatments for drug addiction such as pharmacotherapy.
Introduction The United States is known for its drug culture. Americans use drugs for many different reasons. Many Americans use drugs “to wake up, to stay alert throughout the day, to relax, and to reduce pain” (Kring & Johnson, 2014, p.285). Addiction usually refers to a more severe substance use disorder, “that is characterized by having more symptoms, tolerance, and withdrawal by using more of the substance than intended” (Kring & Johnson, 2014, p.286). The topic of this paper is related mainly to the treatment of drug addiction and deals mainly with the population of young adults.
CBT for Drug Addiction Treatment
CBT is a well-known therapeutic treatment for those suffering from drug addiction. There are two critical components of CBT. These two components are known as functional analysis and skills training.
Functional Analysis
For every instance of drug use during treatment, the therapist and patient do a functional analysis. The idea here is to identify the thoughts, feelings, and
References: Behavioral Cognitive Therapy for addictions. Harvard Mental Health Letter. May 1, 2008. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for patients with addictions. 2010. Canadian Agency for Drugs And Technologies in health (CAPTH) DiClemente, C. (2003). Addiction and Change: How addictions develop and addicted people Recover Hart, C., & Ksir, C. (2013). Drugs, society, and human behavior (15th Ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Hester, R. & Miller, W. (2003). Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches (3rd. Ed.). Liesa, Bruce, Lewis, Judith, Carlson, Jon. Cognitive therapy for addictions, 2000. Meichenbaum, Donald. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. 2009., UC. Miller, W. & Rollnick, S. (2013). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing people for change (3rd.ed.) NIDA (2013). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide. (Third Edition). Philip, James. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the treatment of Addiction. Journal of Psychiatric and mental health nursing, 2008