Joe Blow
General Psychology
University of Phoenix
Phobias and Addictions
With extensive research over the years in the field of psychology, people have a better understanding of how the human mind works and how the mind affects ones behavior. Phobias and addictions are two emotional situations that have in one way or another, occurred in the lives of everyday people. Different theories expose behavior through an understanding of thought processes. The theories are based largely on the idea that all human being are naturally logical and rational; making decisions and choices that make the most sense to the individual (Fritscher, 2009). Whenever an irrational or illogical decision such as those found in phobias and addiction, a challenge is presented to find the path that made the choice logical or rational.
Addiction is defined as “a state of physiological or psychological dependence on a potentially harmful drug or behavior (Encarta, 2009).” Addiction has the distinction of creating a positive feeling or a false sense of euphoria. This is seen most prominently in drug and alcohol addictions as they both give the user a false sense feeling of well being and happiness. Although drug and alcohol addictions are the prevalent addictions, they are not the only ones. Some other addictions are: shopping, smoking, gambling, and sometimes sex addictions give the addict the same sense of well being. However, they all share the same negative outcome to the individual as his or her compulsion to acquire the “high” overrides the logical and rational sense of self-preservation.
The development of addictions occurs when the individual is able to achieve a continuous and instant positive change in feeling during use of or participation in the addictive behavior (O 'Brien, Childress, Ehram, & Robbins, 1998). In the study of drug and alcohol addiction the compulsion or habit is not dependent on the existence of the drug or alcohol in the
References: Addiction. (2009). In MSN Encarta Dictionary. Coelho, C.M., & Purkis, H. (2009). The Origin of specific phobias. Review of General Psychology, 13(4), Fritscher, L. (2009, February 7). Cognitive Theory. Kowalski, R. & Western, D. (2009). Psychology (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. O 'Brien, C.P., Childress, A.R., Ehram, R., & Robbins, S.J. (1998). Journal of Psychopharmacology, 12.