Addiction is word many people have heard or used in their everyday life, but few know the actual definition. An addiction is “a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble)” (“Addicted,” 2014). Not only do people neglect to realize the true meaning of an addiction, but have completely distorted the definition. People do not take most addictions seriously when compared to common known ones and do not seem to have the same reaction and trouble overcoming those addictions.
In the Article “The Plug in Drug”, the author Marie Winn (2012) discusses how the word addiction is often used differently in conversation and that its true meaning is …show more content…
Everyone has a different addiction, therefore can have a different response to ending their addiction. Winn believes that television addicts do not have an easy return to a balanced life (2012). Experience shows that television is not hard to give up if addicted. When offered the option of an enriching activity such as camping with family, individuals will often make the healthier choice. The rebound from addiction to the normal life depends on the mental state of an individual. If an individual has a mental disorder along with an addiction, it can then further the turnaround results from an addiction. Familiarity illustrates that it depends on the other choices given for the individual to choose over their …show more content…
Yes, the addictions of gardening and reading books were touched briefly, but were not conversed into further depth (Winn 2012). More topics that can become addictions, but are essential to survival of humans are eating and sleeping. Individuals can eat or sleep excessively, which not only can interfere with the mental and physical state of an individual, but can become addictions just like watching television. Sleep allows the individual to escape from reality and can be unhealthy if done too much, just like other addictions. As for eating, boredom and love for food can cause an addiction that can result in obesity. Although both of these can be compared to television or drug and alcohol addictions, eating and sleeping are actually needed to live a healthy life, but if merely used is