Michael Doe is a 21 year old methadone patient. He presented at a Methadone Treatment Center with a 3 year history of opioid prescription use (egg. Percocet).…
Pt. currently regain his Phase 3 take home privileges after submitting a positive UDS, which came back positive for opiates. Pt. has relapsed after having 8 months clean, but he demonstrated a desire to learn from the relapse and regain previous take home privileges. Pt. has experienced a recurrence of symptoms but he learned how to cope with the consequences of his current use and decided what to do next. Pt. dealt with these issues by finding and using his sources of support and AMS staff. Pt discussed his relapse was caused by speeding time with negative friends who are actively using. Pt. reported that the he has not responded as expected to his prescribed methadone medication. Pt. has maintained his financial responsibilities as evidenced by paying all his treatment services fees in advance over the last…
Counselor met with Pt. for a short tx intervention. Counselor flagged pt. in the computer to meet this writer before dosing. Counselor greeted Pt. and told him that this writer tried to reach him but his phone wasn’t accepting calls. Pt. explained how his phone was disconnected because he did not receive his veteran check. Counselor and Pt. discussed his recent positive UDS result, the events that led to the relapse and how he is going to lose of his take home privileges. Pt. verbalized that he has infection in a tooth and he used cocaine toothpaste to remove it. Pt. stated, “I wasn’t thinking about it at the moment, but after the incident, I was expecting.” Counselor asked Pt. why and how he removed his tooth. Pt. informed this writer that…
A person must pass an exam given by: The National Counselor Examination for Licensure and Certification given by NBCC, The Certified Rehabilitation Counselor given by CRC, The Art Therapy Credentials Board Certification given by ATCB, The Board Certification Examination given by CBMT, The Advanced Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor Examination given by the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium/Alcohol and Drug Abuse Inc. (IC &RC/AODA). The Examination for Master Addictions Counselor given by NBCC. The Board for which you test will determine your passing…
Arthur, A. J. (2000). Identification and management of late life depression: Working across primary care and community service boundaries. (Order No. U135547, University of Leicester (United Kingdom)). PQDT - UK & Ireland, Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/301554646?accountid=35796. (301554646).…
When we first received the handout about the addiction simulation, I thought, “hey this will be easy”. But, I was wrong. Two of the main things that I learned through this lesson are- (1) how time consuming and addiction is, and (2) how dedicated a person has to be in order to “get their fix”.…
I want to work with one patient or work with a group counseling sessions depending on the treatment needed. My goal is to help patients pinpoint their situations and behaviors that block the road to relapse and lead them to recovery. Without a master’s degree in human services, I feel like I could not benefit being a drug and alcohol counselor because I would keep empty. By getting a master’s degree, I will have more knowledge on efficiently and effectively integrate insights to help these patients. Without a master’s degree in human services, I feel like I could not benefit being a drug and alcohol counselor because I would keep empty.…
One of the various definitions of an effective counselor includes being well-versed and educated within a theoretical approach. However, most importantly having a working knowledge and practice of specific skills related to the theory. Therefore, defining your theoretical approach and beginning to put those skills into practice is essential to providing effective therapy to prospective clients.…
* Continue your education by attending certifications in your area or specialty in addiction to attending conferences and other programs. This will…
Since I was in high school I have possessed a strong desire to become a Therapeutic Counselor. My career aspiration has been predominantly motivated my desire to help other individuals. Liberty University’s online Master of Arts in Professional Counseling program is placing me on tract to becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor in the Commonwealth of Virginia.…
In the area of addictions counseling, which is the primary area of practice I seek to work professionally, my biggest strength is my own personal experience with addiction. When I read things, such as the upcoming Week 3 addiction simulation assignment, I feel truly blessed to have a thorough and personal understanding of the obsession and compulsion of addiction. While others need to where a bracelet to understand what hiding track marks is like, I physically used to hide my track marks with female concealer for important family events and professional gatherings. While others need to simulate “using” ice cubes at their places of work, I was sneaking away to bathrooms to inject heroin, and on one occasion,…
Stevens, P., & Smith, R. L. (2013). Substance abuse counseling: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.…
While an addiction counselor’s main goal is to improve the mental health and wellness of clients through a treatment plan the goals need to be based on the individual the counselor is working with; therefore each case must be individualized to meet the needs of the client. Individual therapy consists of working directly with an individual, an assortment of approaches are used in individual therapy. The approaches include harm reduction, coping skills training, life-skills training, motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training, and behavior therapy these approaches are included in the direct effect strategies as well as the broad spectrum strategies. The central component to these strategies is the client- counselor relationship also known as the therapeutic alliance. The counselor must be able to listen objectively to the client, they must be aware of their responses not only verbally but non-verbally as well. They must be able to validate the client through non-verbal communication as well as positive regard. The language the counselor uses must engender motivation toward change for the client. By moving away from negativity these strategies give the clients hope and breed independence which…
In the United States there are 50 states all of which have passed some kind of law requiring citizens and professionals to report any signs of child abuse or neglect of any kind. Most laws state that if counselors along with other professionals have suspicion of child abuse or neglect has 48 hours to report it. They also have the responsibility to report domestic abuse, and abuse of the elderly. Mandated reporters are required to make a report right away either orally, in person, or by email, and they must follow through with a written report in 72 hours. I live in the state of Arizona, and in this state counselors, including substance abuse counselors are just one out of the many mandated professions that have the right and are required to…
After having completed the supervision in counseling practicum, the lessons have taught me of how to be an effective, culturally sensitive and ethnical counselor. Each session helped me work through the skills needed as counselor as well as my personal value issues to further develop my counseling skills.…