It is important that advanced students’ vocabulary continuously progresses. This teaching plan explains how to teach new adjectives.
Date: 14 July 2013
Class Level: Level 7 – Advanced Students
Length of Lesson: 1 hour 5 minutes
Lesson Type & Subject: Vocabulary: adjectives.
Materials Needed: Pictures of weather, realia (abnormally large fruit/object, flower) and worksheet.
Lesson Objective: Students will learn about new adjectives and incorporate them. Descriptions of verbs will be verbal and non-verbal (writing).
Assumptions: Students have a good understanding of adjectives and how to order them in a sentence. But students repetitively describe nouns with the same adjectives (describing something as “amazing” or “beautiful” frequently, without being aware of other adjectives like spectacular and gorgeous).
Anticipated Problems & Solutions:
Problem: Committing new adjectives to memory.
Solution: Adjective drill – incorporating different nouns to describe.
Problem: Students are struggling with sentence structure.
Solution: Explain where the adjective is placed in a sentence. Give examples; SS repeat.
Problem: Pronunciation of words.
Solution: Pronunciation drill.
Strategy 1:
Interaction Patterns: T>S & S>T
Timing: 20 minutes.
Purpose of Procedure: To interest students; pre-teach new adjectives. Connect adjectives with nouns. Describe pictures and objects for a clearer meaning. Practice new vocabulary with guidance of the teacher.
* Introduce the topic in an interesting fashion and illustrate how students can apply it in their lives. Advanced adjectives that can be discussed: “stunning”, “gorgeous”, “spectacular”, “huge” and “immense”. * Hand out objects like flowers, an abnormally large fruit etc. * Cover the new adjectives, compare them with similar