At the end of the 40 minute discussion, 90% of Grade 2- St. Thomas should be able to:
1. (Cognitive): Describe and identify different adjectives.
2. (T-Skill): Classify & compare adjecti xves on their own without the help of the teacher.
3. (Affective): Be sensitive in describing or judging other people.
1. Topic: Language
2. Grade Level : Grade Two
3. References: Wong, S.W., et.al. (2012). Practices makes Perfect Grammar. Old Toh Tuck Road Singapore: Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd
4. Instructional Aids/Materials: 2 different sizes of eggplant 2 kinds of flowers
2 different Rocks 1 Tablespoon of salt
1 Tablespoon of sugar
Music Player
1 Basketball ball
1 Baseball ball
5. Values: Sharing, Being sensitive in judging other people
6. Integration: Science & Art
7. Teaching Strategies: Inductive Method; Cooperative Learning
1. Preliminaries: ( Routinary activities)
Prayer, checking of attendance, cleanliness and wellbeing of the class.
2. Lesson Proper
a. Motivation
The Teacher will let the students get their lunchbox and describe what their lunchbox looks like and pick one food from their lunchbox and they should describe what it looks like and the taste of that certain food. Then after that I’m going to let them share their food with their seatmate and do the same things again describe the food and its taste.
Student’s Response
So who wants to share what their lunchbox looks like class?
1. What does your lunchbox looks like?
(Very Good!)
What’s the food inside your lunchbox? Pick one food and describe what it looks like and what it tastes. Is Banana your favorite fruit?
What does it looks like? What’s the color? And the texture of it? (Very Good! And class banana is really good for our body because it gives us different kinds of vitamins like vitamin C & E!)
1. Now taste and describe the
References: Wong, S.W., et.al. (2012). Practices makes Perfect Grammar. Old Toh Tuck Road Singapore: Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 4