All non-Nazi organizations were banned. Church youth groups, farmers’ unions, labor unions, all were made into affiliates of the Nazi Party. The Hitler Youth, organizations for children, practiced extreme anti-Semitism and a highly militaristic regimen. Gender segregated, the young girls were taught to express their Teutonic virtue in motherhood, and to give Greater Germany children. The boys played military games, learned map reading, glider training, and field maneuvers. Every organization, from miners to mothers, held Hitler in cult-like fascination. His memoir fMein Kampf sold thousands of copies.The Hitler youth movement was created in order to control and shape the entire youth of the nation to support the aims of the Nazi State. Membership of the Hitler Youth was made compulsory for German teenagers, and served as a conveyor belt to party …show more content…
Anschluss, or reunification, was a dream of Hitler’s for years. He had spent much time in Vienna after the war, and was very familiar with their culture. Hitler began agitating for reunification in 1934 by fermenting civil war. When this tactic failed, Hitler begrudgingly recognized Austrian independence while secretly working to undermine the government. Austrian Chancellor Kurt von Schuschnigg met Hitler at Berchtesgarden in on February 12, 1938. Hitler demanded that Nazis in Austrian prisons be released and Nazi officials appointed to key positions. Schuschnigg relented, and Hitler told him that the agreement meant peace for “five