“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.” (Adolf Hitler) Adolf Hitler was a German politician who was the leader of the Nazi party; chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and for Fuhrer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. As dictator of Germany Reich, he initiated World War 2 in Europe with the invasion of Poland in September 1939 and was a central figure of the Holocaust. He died at the age of 56, immediately after World War 2. A dictator is someone who has total power over the country they rule and typically obtain power by force. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how Hitler Rose to power, how he …show more content…
ruled his nation and how the citizens of his Nation benefited or suffered under fascist regimes.
Adolf Hitler first attempted to gain power in 1923, but did not succeed. For instance, according to Anthony Esler and Elizabeth Ellis, authors of “World History: The Modern Era,” Hitler went to prison for staging a coup in Munich. This shows how Hitler began his quest for power. Furthermore, Hitler blamed Germany's loss in World War 1 on a conspiracy of Marxists, Jews and corrupt politicians. While he was in prison, he wrote book that exposed his obsessions with nationalism, racism and his believe that Germans belonged to a “superior race.” Since Germany was experiencing an economic crisis, Hitler was voted as the new president of Germany based on the fact that he promised to end the reparations, create jobs, and regain what Germany had lost in the Versailles Treaty.
Hitler killed anyone who did not support his ideals, including those whom he felt threatened his authority and passed laws that were absolute. For example, within a year of his leadership, Germany became a dictatorship. He disbanded all political parties and made Germany a one-party state.According to Esler and Ellis, “Hitler purged his own party, brutally executing Nazis he felt were disloyal. Nazis learned that Hitler demanded unquestioning obedience.” (Esler,Ellis 552) this shows that he did not tolerate anyone that would compromise his objective. Ben but the chancellor and the president provided him with more power over Germany. In order to achieve his goals, Hitler organized a special police force to root out oppositions. As a result, he used harsh methods to strike fear into his people, so that no one who would try to oppose him.
Finally, Hitler claimed that Jews were the greatest enemies of Germany and needed to be exterminated, since he viewed Jews as a separate race.
For example, “ Hitler set out to drive Jews out of Germany by passing the Nuremberg laws in 1935, which deprived Jews of German citizenship and placed severe restrictions on them. They were prohibited from marrying non-Jews, attending or teaching at German schools or Universities, holding government jobs, practicing law or medicine, and Publishing books.” (Esler,Ellis 553) The quote above emphasizes on how Hitler caused the citizens of Germany to suffer during his rule. Furthermore, he also used an incident that occurred in Paris as an excuse to Stage an attack on all Jews. Subsequently, he planned to execute his “Final Solution” plan which was the explanation of all Jews alongside his henchmen. The only benefit of Hitler being in power was that, he was able to fix that Germany's economy when he began his rule.
In conclusion, Hitler’s rise to power, rule as a dictator, and treatment of Jews caused the greatest repercussions in history, since World War 1. Hitler was charged with treason and went to prison for staging a coup as an attempt of gaining power. He suspended the citizen’s civil rights and disbanded all political parties. The deaths of all the Jews that occurred during the holocaust will be forever engraved in the history of the world. Hopefully, no one would ever repeat such atrocities ever