The solid material is known as adsorbent. (e.g.) Nickel, Silica gel, Charcoal, Zeolite
The gaseous or liquid molecules are adsorbate (e.g.) H2 gas, Bromine, benzene, water vapour
For gases, a special name is given as “occlusion’
2.If the concentration is of bulk phenomenon, it is absorption. (e.g) Absorption of water by anhydrous CaCl2.
3. Adsorption and absorption process are collectively known as ‘sorption’.
(e.g) Ammonia sent through Charcoal solution. Here , Charcoal adsorbs ammonia while water absorbs ammonia.
4. Characteristics of adsorption:
a. It is spontaneous.
b. It is highly selective and specific.
c. It is accompanied by change in enthalpy and entropy.
d. It depends on temp, pressure and concentration.
e. It is a physical phenomenon accompanied by chemical process.
5. Differences between Adsorption and Absorption:
|S.No |Adsorption |Absorption |
|1 |Surface Phenomenon |Bulk Phenomenon |
|2 |It is the concentration of gas/ liquid on |It is the concentration of gas/liquid throughout the |
| |solid surface only. |body of solid. |
|3 |Fast process |Slow process |
|4 |Equilibrium attainment is easy |Not easy |
|5 |Eg. H2 on Nickel |Water vapour absorbed by anhydrous CaCl2 |
1. If the adsorbent and adsorbate are bonded by weak Vanderwalls forces, it is known as