Advanced Target Marketing: Wound Care
Advanced Target Marketing Citrus Memorial Wound Care facility provides comprehensive healing of chronic and acute non-healing wounds and offers hyperbaric oxygen therapy in an outpatient setting. The center utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to wound care. A team approach is used to provide patients with the most optimal wound treatment possible. The clinic optimizes its ability to provide patients with the best care possible by using advanced wound healing products including bioengineered skin products, total contact casting, and comprehensive compression wraps. The wound care center offers complete coordination of care including scheduling appointment for patients that require services that are provided outside of the clinic. Budget constraints on the marketing department has created a great need for market segmentation. Treating the surrounding population as a homogenous group is not cost effective or efficient. There is many benefits that can be obtained from a more selective target marketing approach than what is already currently used. Therefore Citrus Memorial Wound Care has recently adopted an new marketing outreach program that will be discussed in greater detail later in this summary. Lifestyle Profile Importance Costumer needs and preferences differ based on their lifestyles. It is important to research and utilize this information to produce the best marketing stagey possible. Eric Berkowitz (Berkowitz 2006, p.111) wrote in the book Essentials of Health Care Marketing that, “Lifestyle is an important aspect affecting a consumer’s decision-making process.” The term lifestyle incorporates the way individuals perceive events, prioritize their interests, and how they spend their time. Obtaining knowledge about the surrounding demographic’s life style will greatly improve Citrus Memorials ability to develop appropriate strategies to market to specific consumers. To better the companies ability to market to the most beneficial market in the
References: Berkowitz, E. N. (2006). Essentials of health care marketing. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
McCarthy, E. J. (1971). Basic marketing: A managerial approach. Homewood, Ill: R.D. Irwin.
Winston, W. J. (1985). How to write a marketing plan for health care organizations. New York: Haworth Press.
U.S. Census Bureau. (2009, January 12). State & county Quickfacts: Allegany County, N.Y. Retrieved January 25, 2009, from
Wellflorida Council. Inc. (2010) County Health Profile: Citrus County. Big Media Studios Retrieved April 23, 2010. Website: