Democracy is viewed to be an ideal form of political system and government. Several countries these days have adopted this. Democracy signifies supreme power that lies in the body of the citizens electing leaders that will represent them. This can also be defined as political system and orientation including individuals standing by the government or by the individuals they have elected to represent them. Democracy entails numerous advantages but this is also tied to some disadvantages.
Advantages of Democracy
Protects the Interest of Citizens
One of the topmost advantages of democracy is the protection of people’s interest. Real power lies in the people exercising it by means of representatives duly elected by the citizen. It is known that economic, political and social interests of people are best served under the democratic system.
Promotes Equality
Democracy is generally based on the rule of equality. This means that all members of a country or a state are equal in the eyes of law. Every individual has the right to enjoy and experience equal economic, political and social rights and the state is not allowed to discriminate citizens on the standard of sex, caste, property and religion.
Responsibility and Stability in Administration
Democracy is recognized for its efficiency, firmness and stability. When there is fixed and elected representatives, a more stable and responsible government is formed. The administration is also conducted and ruled with sense of dedication and responsibility. Individuals under a democratic system discuss matters and issues thoroughly in order to come up with reasonable decisions.
Helps Make Good Citizens
Democracy aids in creating ideal environment for the improvement of personality and cultivation of character and good habits. According to experts, democracy seems to be the very first schools for good citizenship. This is where individuals learn about their duties and rights starting from their birth until the time of their