Changes in the congress are vindicated by the political investments of the democrats and the republicans (Williamson, 1925). Whilst the political success is not supposed to determine the significance of the policies to be implemented, it is clearly evident that in United States that the power house in the congress is oriented at propelling towards establishing those policies that indicate or rather display superiority politically. This results to retrogression in the country instead of gradual positive change with time (Mann, Ornstein and Annenberg, 2006). This is a present and notable experience in the United States congress that clearly illustrates that American democracy is broken. Adequate public awareness has not been made to the citizens of the United States thereby leaving the nations susceptible to manipulations by the activists rather being independent and driven by their own opinions. This has led to voting being done to people that are not the best candidates yet still made to be the presidents and states representatives in United States. Senators are bale to conduct and hold businesses at their own will for a long period of time as much as they wish in ordered to gain from their positions given the power they are accorded. The American democracy is not only broken but also not helping the nation in moving …show more content…
In comparison to other developed nations where there are several political parties, the practice of democracy in America is weak and fragile. France for instance has 14 political parties while Italy has 13 different parties. Considering that United States is regarded as a hotbed of freedom and democracy, it is important to increase the political parties in order to offer a conducive platform of voluntary views which is fundamental for change and continuous progress (Schlozman, Verba and Brady, 2012). In addition to this, the federal government of United States can exterminate any court case by appealing that it is a state-run top-secret. I would believe that in a country that is considered as a land of freedoms and human rights, it is appropriate to have justice and transparency in court cases. Every person irrespective of the national locus should be responsible and accountable for any sought of conduct that needs clarification. The above are clear evidence showing that the American democracy is broken and has a lot to rebuild on for suitable