For the past years, rich countries have been playing a vital role in giving poor countries a large amount of money. Even though, some of this money was premeditated for improving the lives of the poor households, much of it has vanished or made no discrepancy. International aid refers to voluntary transfer of capital, good or services from one country to another. This essay will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of giving international aid to poor countries.
If used correctly, international aid can be very beneficial. It is important for aid to go toward the improvement of economic conditions. When these poor countries are aided financially, the government of such countries might make the use of the resources available at their countries and generate revenue. For instances, if Namibia has been aided financially by America, the Namibian government will take that capital and use it to open-up some of their mines such as Uranium, Gold, or Copper mine in order to generate an income. Another advantage is that, some people's lives could be saved in case of disastrous emergencies. Due to increased population and poverty these poor countries do not have sufficient funds and resources to support their people in the events of natural disasters. For example, when "Haiti" was hit by an earthquake an organisation from America called "AmeriCares" arrived with crucial medicines worth US$6 million that made a lifesaving difference to the countries number of innocent people trapped in the rubble and chaos.
Self-dependency is one of the disadvantages of giving international aid to poor countries. In other words, countries that act as recipients usually become reliant on aid from outside support. In this course of action they lose their influence and sometimes are bound to make some unwanted decisions. Also once they start taking support it becomes very difficult for them to get