Pro (for) melorules Losing
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The Contender
Con (against)
4 Points
Advertisements do more harm than good
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The voting period for this debate does not end. Started: | 9/22/2011 | Category: | Entertainment | Updated: | 3 months ago | Status: | Voting Period | Viewed: | 472 times | Debate No: | 18434 |
Debate Rounds (4)
Comments (4)
Votes (1) ProAdvertising has grown to be an industry worth many billions of dollars across the world. Almost all public space has some advertisements in sight and all forms of media, from newspapers to the Internet, are also filled with adverts. Whilst this helps companies sell their produces, and helps consumers to learn what is on offer, many believe that this huge amount of advertising can be harmful. It may make people want too much, or things that they cannot have, or it might make them feel inadequate when they don't have something. Research shows that children can be particularly open to these kinds of risk. Throughout the last 10 years levels of advertisements have raised to ridicules levels. Every ten minuets on T.V you see about four advertisements for cosmetics, fast food, and many other things. Throughout this debate I will discus how advertisements are directed towards gullible kids, stress that they can cause, and how it puts small businesses at a disadvantage.Report this