Entry Modes characterize the way a company penetrates a market using equity or none equity means. These means are a successful ways companies can enter a market foreign or domestic. Equity means of entry can be wholly owned subsidiaries, joint ventures, or strategic alliances. None equity based modes of entry are indirect or direct exporting, licensing, turnkey projects and franchising. As these modes relate to India, companies have exercised a number of entry modes to penetrate the vastly growing economy. India’s market is characterized by a huge or significantly growing market capacity, transiting economic and political system changing consumption behavior, distinct culture, and a favorable investment environment, offering a good chance of development (Xuemin Zhao, 2005). In India smaller firms are more successful than larger firms. Also, firms can achieve success by exhausting, early entry, greater entry modes and shorter cultural and economic distance between the home and the host countries. (Joseph Johnson, 2008). Although companies have exercised many, if not all, modes of entry in India, the concerns are heighten as companies entre India’s growing market. Companies must consider two broad categories that drive a firm performance when entering a market which are firm differentiation and country differentiation. Within firm differentiation, two key constructs are firm strategy and firm resources. Country differentiation key constructs is host country characteristics. Among these characteristics, the tow that we identify as important are country openness and country risk (Joseph Johnson, 2008). With the right mix of the identified sources and market mix of entry and time, a firm can succeed in India’s immeasurable market.
Advertising Regulations
India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. It has been projected that in 2010, India’s economy will grow by 8% (Mishra, 2009). India’s retail sector is the 5th largest in the world
Bibliography: Allison McClintic Marion, Gale Cengage. (2006, May 01). Consumer and Industrial Goods. Retrieved December 03, 2010, from Enycylopedia of Business and Finance: http://www.enotes.com/business-finance-encyclopedia/consumer-industrial-goods Donald Ball, J Economist Intelligence Unit. (2006, May 06). India: Consumer goods and retail forecast. Retrieved Dec 01, 2010, from Vum.Ac: www.vuw.ac.nz/~caplabtb/m302w06/India_forecast.doc Indian Capital good Industry Joseph Johnson, G. J. (2008, January 21). Driver of Success for Market entry into China and India. Retrieved December 2010, from http://www.bus.miami.edu/_assets/files/faculty-and-research/johnson_drivers-success.pdf L V.T. Bharadwaj, G. M. (2005, September 12). Winning the Indian Consumer. Retrieved December 1, 2010, from McKinsey Quarterly: http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Winning_the_Indian_consumer_1659 Xuemin Zhao, R. D. (2005, June). Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode. Retrieved December 2010, from http://bieson.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/volltexte/2004/507/pdf/m_entry.pdf