Without advertisements there would be a lot of thing that you wouldn't know about. Whenever a new product comes out it always advertised very heavily. The fact that it's advertised so heavily means that there's nobody that doesn't know about it. Witch could be a bad thing or a good thing. On the good part is that if it is something that interests you, or that you need you know about . If that advertisement wasn't there you might not ever know about it. On the bad part if it's something you don't need you might end up walking through a store and buying it any way. In my person opinion it all depends on the person.
Most brand name companies spend millions on commercials, billboards, fancy boxes, lights and publicity stunts so that you will buy there product. Were do they get there money from? They get all that extra money by jacking up the prices and saying that they have better things in there product then everybody else. If you were to actually look at the back and understand it you would most likely see that most of the time they have