Essay 2
World Literature MWF 12pm
April 11, 2014
The Ultimate Underworld Experience We all try to imagine what will happen to us, once we leave this life here on Earth. Countless of people believe that we will either go to heaven or hell, many believe that we may come back as another figure, and some believe in a place known as “The Underworld.” The Underworld is roughly similar to the Christian “hell.” Unlike the Underworld, we cannot go visit hell and then come back to Earth; don’t we wish we could! The Underworld is a place “under the world” where you could go and speak to shades and receive advice, good or bad. The most influential and powerful of gods resides in The Underworld. Although, today many people don’t believe in the underworld. Hundreds of years ago, multiple authors did believe in The Underworld, such as Virgil and Homer.
A few heroes, Gilgamesh, Odysseus, and Aeneas visit The Underworld. They all go to the afterlife, yet they go for different purposes. So, how do we figure who had the ultimate afterlife experience? The experiences these heroes embark into are quite similar. They all venture into the Underworld, communicate with shades to seek advice, and they all make it out safely and unharmed. Though, Gilgamesh and Odysseus had quite an impressive experience in the afterlife, their journey doesn’t quite compare to the journey of Aeneas. This hero receives special guidance, sees some special people that hits close to home and he gets dissed all in the same adventure.
First, Aeneas goes to the Underworld to receive advice and to seek his father Anchises. We all have our guardian angel with us at all times, in spirit. But, Aeneas has his guardian angel present with him, Sibyl. Among the undead, Aeneas has the guidance of Sibyl. Surrounded by the dead, he attempts to find the guidance of his father. Sybil was prophetic, which means that all the things he spoke were true. We all need a little guidance in life. We sometimes