Compulsory: Yes
The purpose of this assignment is to teach you how to read an article and to critically engage in academic reading and reflecting on the material in an academic manner by answering the short paragraphs assigned.
Assignment 01 will be marked fairly fully and sent back to you.
What you get for this assignment will count 10 % of your year mark. (Your year mark counts 25% of your final mark).
Affirmative action: a losing battle?
There are considerable reasons to suppose that this topic, which affects all citizens of South African in particular. In some instances it is a policy viewed with hostility as it is said to discriminate against section of the population, yet in others it is seen as beneficial to women, black people and the disabled. Studies show that in many instances this form of redress has proven that it hinders performance and makes the beneficiaries doubt their abilities when viewed by their superiors. This has a negative effect on an organization since the quality of work is said to suffer. Equally, there are significant indicators, both in industry and the private sector, that the opening up of previously closed avenues because of racial preference caused companies to perform better since the beneficiaries viewed their work as a challenge. To claim stigmatization means that such beneficiaries would have been better off without these efforts. Either way, the battle seems joined.
In the light of this ongoing and divisive debate, the level of debate regarding the policy has been little to it in terms of comparing what other studies elsewhere have shown. There has been no systematic study of the developments in these areas and part of the reasons is a lack of monitoring what goes on in organizations, and why the regulations are not strictly enforced. For instance,