
Affective Temperament And Family History Of Suicide

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Abstract: I believe that when someone commits suicide, there is a direct correlation to those who were closest with the victim to experience extended periods of depression and/or thoughts of suicide themselves. It is a well-known fact that the suicide rate in the United States is increasing. A lot changes are in order for those who either knew or have experienced someone commit suicide. Life is never the same after a family suicide, as it is up to them to take over that person’s role as well as carrying out their previous responsibilities before the tragic event. This can be a lot for someone to handle and as a result of this they may experience levels of depression that become difficult to cope …show more content…

The researchers focused on people with depression and behavior disorders and their attempts of suicide. Nine percent of the subjects were those who had attempted suicide and had a family history of suicide in the past (p.352). This means that approximately one in every ten people who tried to commit suicide in this study were victims of past family suicides. While this may not sound like a big percentage, it is and the results of this study only lead me to believe that family suicides have major negative effects on those close to …show more content…

Not everyone deals with loss the same way and with this survey, I hope to identify for people what some different tactics are towards dealing with a family suicide as it is relevant in thousands of people’s lives.
In conclusion, suicide is once again one of the major issues in the world today. Suicide is something that goes deeper than someone just killing themselves. It touches upon everyone who knew and cared for that person. These people remaining now have to learn to live life without someone they may have look to for guidance, and this can be very difficult for certain people to overcome. All in all suicide is something that should be taken seriously, because if it is not then we will continue to see people who are taking their own lives when there is always a better

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