We always see new terms, expressions, language and terminology invading the language, especially in the field of education. Therefore, the language, any language in any given nation, if we watch close enough, then we probably would find many new words in the speech. However, this brings us to a term known as AFFLUENZA. So let us explore and look for what is the meaning of this new word in the English language, from where it came from, for what reason and who and where it originally started and initiated from etc.
What is Affluenza?
Let us put in simple language as one writer described it, "affluenza is a harmful or unbalanced relationship with money or its pursuit". Clinically, Jessie defines affluenza in the individual as the collective addictions, character flaws, psychological wounds, neurosis and behavioral disorders caused or exacerbated by the presence of or desire for wealth.
Globally affluenza is a back up of the flow of money, resulting in a polarization of classes, and loss of economic and emotional balance.
Some authors like renowned affluence psychologist Jessie O’neill and others put three description to the expression as follows:" 1. The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses. 2. An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness 3. An unsustainable addiction to economic growth".
I found some authors on affluenza agreed that it is not about shopping addictions or compulsive behavior. If anything it is about getting your priorities wrong, "About getting into the habit of buying ‘stuff’. Of constantly buying stuff, more stuff and even more stuff".
A questions risen "why we want what we don 't need", it is a genuine problem of the must-have-now mentality. Some writers even named the notion or gave it a definition such as "modern pandemic".
What are The Symptoms of Affluenza?
In individuals, symptoms of
References: Daly, Herman and Kenneth Townsend (eds.) 1996. Valuing the Earth. MIT press. Goodwin, Neva, Frank Ackerman and David Kiron (eds.) 1997. The Consumer Society. Island Press. Huesemann, Michael. 2001. Can Pollution Problems be Effectively Solved by Environmental Science and Technology? An Analysis of Critical Limitations. Ecological Economics 37: 271-287. Green Path Research (((((Check this site for more on consumerism)))) http://www.verdant.net/society.htm Appendices: From the excellent PBS documentaries "Affluenza" and "Escape from Affluenza" to the work of and to books like "Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic" and "The Overspent American: