“The law ‘establishes access to affordable health care as a national responsibility,’ with ‘the great bulk of the dollars coming from taxpayers’ to fund the coverage expansion” (“Health-Care Reform”). The new law's supporters say it puts in place most of the mechanisms for coverage expansion and cost control that are politically possible in the complex, private-sector-dominated American health system, but many conservative critics have called for the law's partial rollback or repeal. Such reforms can trim 2–3% annually from medical spending, and while that amount may seem minimal, “it could add to the other reforms” ("Health-Care Reform.") and increase the law's cumulative cost-cutting effect. “Private insurers are implementing “wellness plans” to give consumers financial incentives to take commonsense steps like stopping smoking or losing weight, which should save health-system dollars down the line” ("Health- Care Reform"). Those payments serve as a buffer against times when they are sick and use services. If people wait until they become ill to sign up for insurance, insurers are unable to spread costs in this way. If they don't offer workers substantial health-insurance coverage, the law creates an incentive for employers to avoid hiring workers from low-income families, hurting those who need jobs the …show more content…
Routine physical examinations, prevention management actions such as immunization and health screening to detect disease, and treatment of acute and chronic diseases commonly take place in physicians' offices. “Medical care is also provided through many other venues, including outpatient surgical centers, school health programs, pharmacies, worksite clinics, and voluntary health agencies”("The U.S. Healthcare System"). A system in which the government pays directly or indirectly for more than half of the nation's health care, but the actual delivery both of insurance and of care is undertaken by a crazy quilt of private insurers, for-profit hospitals, and other players who add cost without adding value. National health care is necessary because it helps people to have affordable healthcare, improve the quality of health insurance and services, and to reduce medical costs for them. A purpose of health care is to forward the delivery of health care services, to protect individual and families against huge medical care expenses and to avoid breaking national bank while they do so. Today many people receive affordable health care which help them support themselves and others like their families. Health care can save many lives and provide health insurance for those who cannot afford