Stephanie Stratton
POL 201
Jamie Weitl
The topics of health care and health care reform are two of the most highly debated topics in society today. The Obama Care Plan is at the center of the health care crisis. Obama Care is aimed at reinforcing the American system of health care. The main focus of Obama Care is to regulate the industry of health insurance and also reduce spending. Obama Care was signed into law on March 23, 2010. The primary goal of this health care reform plan is to make it possible to be able to provide health care to all U.S. Citizens. There are currently about 44 million Americans that are unable to get health insurance. Obama Care’s major elements was to expand Medicaid and Medicare, where they are able to offer health insurance to a much larger group of citizens. Obama Care also provides assistance to Americans that are unable to afford health care. Another important element of this plan is to provide better wellness and preventative services. The reasoning behind this is that if individuals are able to have regular preventative services then not only is it quicker to diagnose illnesses but the rate of recovery is better and thus the expenses are much lower. (Obamacarefacts, 2014).
Obama Care also increases a person’s protections. This means that Obama Care has implemented measures that will no longer allow an insurance company to drop a customer while they are sick. Also it stops the insurance companies from cutting off a customer’s coverage due to time limits. Obama Care’s most important aspect is that it makes it much more difficult for insurance companies to deny coverage based upon preexisting conditions, and if a person with a pre-existing condition is denied, the individual has a more legal standing.
Obama Care has some negativity because this plan requires that all Americans have insurance through some sort of provider, State or federally assisted program.