Coursework Header Sheet
POLI1047: Politics & Dev in Asia/Africa
Essay 2
M Farrell
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1. Have ethnic and religious identities assisted or hindered the political process in postcolonial Africa?
Africa was once a huge country and not a continent external forces changed this with alienation and fracturing it into a number of different countries. Many contemporary Africans were stripped of their identities and forced to submit to ‘greater’ Western ideologies. In order for these external forces to subjugate Africans effectively, imperial forces placed a huge significance on ethnicity and religion to justify their actions. African countries were externally imposed artificial borders drawn as a result of the 1885 Berlin Conference. The Berlin Conference legitimised European colonialism during the period of New Imperialism; the conference imposed political divisions that still exist in the continent. The major European powers, the United States and the Ottoman Empire all attended this conference in order to place rules for the colonisation of Africa. 'There were no representatives from Africa itself, reflecting a paternalistic view of indigenous peoples common at that time '1 . In just the space of two decades, all of Africa
(except for Libya and
References: Arthur, P. (2009) Ethnicity and Electoral Politics in Ghana 's Fourth Republic. Africa Today, 56 (2), p.4. Carment, D. et al. (2006) Who Intervenes?: Ethnic Conflict And Interstate Crisis. Ohio: Ohio State University Press, p.60. Christie, K. (1998) Ethnic Conflict, Tribal Politics: A Global Perspective. Surrey: Routledge, p.139. Hastings, A. (1997) The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion and Nationalism. Mwakikagile, G. (2001) Ethnic Politics in Kenya and Nigeria. New York: Nova Publishers, p.140.