Throughout American history many enertainment forms have protrayed African-Americans in negative degrading forms, such as minstreal shows and early television. Movies such as Birth of a Nation”questioned whether or not black people were fit to run for governmental offices or vote or to even live an productive, independent life. In the 1930's, studies found a high level of consistency among adjectives used to describe black people. Furthermore, most of these adjectives were negative, and included terms such as superstitious, lazy, and ignorant. Today’s stereotypes are not much different, Depictions of African-Americans include unintelligent, loud, poor, unable to swim, and criminal. Stereotypes can also be "positive" terms, although this does not make them less damaging to their targets. This paper's focus is the linkage between social perceptions of minorities and their TV roles. Research on the relationship between mass media and ethnic perceptions suggests that the media shape knowledge and beliefs of the majority about minoritygroups and, in turn, influence minority responses to the majority (Faber, O'Guinn, 1987) .Exposure to stereotypes produced unfavorable effects on the viewers. When the target
Throughout American history many enertainment forms have protrayed African-Americans in negative degrading forms, such as minstreal shows and early television. Movies such as Birth of a Nation”questioned whether or not black people were fit to run for governmental offices or vote or to even live an productive, independent life. In the 1930's, studies found a high level of consistency among adjectives used to describe black people. Furthermore, most of these adjectives were negative, and included terms such as superstitious, lazy, and ignorant. Today’s stereotypes are not much different, Depictions of African-Americans include unintelligent, loud, poor, unable to swim, and criminal. Stereotypes can also be "positive" terms, although this does not make them less damaging to their targets. This paper's focus is the linkage between social perceptions of minorities and their TV roles. Research on the relationship between mass media and ethnic perceptions suggests that the media shape knowledge and beliefs of the majority about minoritygroups and, in turn, influence minority responses to the majority (Faber, O'Guinn, 1987) .Exposure to stereotypes produced unfavorable effects on the viewers. When the target