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The reason because is that their genes are completly different from the rest because they are really tall. Their parents begin to teach their kids how to play basketball at such a young age because their parents as well played basketball. Then they get put into basketball leagues which leads
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them up into high school basketball in which they begin to stand out more then the rest because of the advantages they have, such as having a lot more playing experience, technical and they are overall taller then the majority playing. The majority of African American’s while growing up, basketball is in their blood from the start due to their genes.
African American’s of West Africa descent tend to be a lot faster. The vast majority of African American’s that are professional track athletes and that have West African descent tend to hold a lot of sprinting records in running. The reason being is “namely the low body fat, provides blacks of West-African origin with an advantage in sprinting, as well as in football and basketball.” Two of the most outstanding runners that the U.S. had were Jesse Owens and Michael Johnson, both of which have West Afrian descent in their blood due to their