Europeans who brought Africans to America had many reasons to bringing them there. One main reason is they needed cheap labor to work on their farms, so they began using enslaved Africans on not only farms but plantations too. Many of the people in Africa knew how to farm, because that is what they do in their every day lives. Most Europeans on the other hand did not know this work and this is because they had the merchants bring the food …show more content…
to the markets. Plantation work was something that African natives did not know how to do. Europeans decided theu could be taught the ways of the plantation since that would be another things they wouldnt have to do. Along with farming and plantation work African slaves were used to work in mines, fields and as domestic servants. Besides a harsh woring life, slaves had a grueling life outside of work. Slaves hsould have been rewarded with the oppturnity to come to the new world, instead they lived a miserable life.
African people in America didnt have a very good future ahead of them. With long working days and a lifetime of slavery leading Africans future; the next generation would have this exhasting expierence. HAving little food and living in small dreary huts all slaves were trated the same. Facing no place to go slaves had to stay and work because they didnt know the area around them, so slaves couldnt or were less likely to escape. However if enslaved people did make a run to get free they would be easy to find with their skin color. Trying to get free or not following the rules had a simpke consequences that came along; you were beaten, sold, or auctioned off to another
destantition. When brought to another destanition you got seprated from your family. As decades passed during the slavery period countless families were torn apart. Many of those were never reunited or never got to meet the next generation. Not seeing the next generation was not the only thing thay was lost. Numerous cultures lost generations of the young and fittist members. Without being able to be with family the African tradtions were never passed on. Unfaborable efftcts of salvery was not the only effects that happened. There were some good ones too. Africans brought their agriculture expiertise. Without this Europeans would have never mad it in America. They also brought Africans and eurpeans music, culture, art, religion, food, and population with them. With this, America today is diverse in many ways.