Imagine a world without animals. This is what we are going to be facing if we don’t stop destroying habitat for animals when we build things. That’s why we made zoos so that people could come and ordinarily learn about animals without destroying habitat or going to another country to see them. Although raising animals in captivity makes them lose almost all survival instinct since everything is given to them. It’s still a good idea to have zoos to help endangered animals get back on their feet. 3 reasons to keep zoos around are they make people feel wonder and amazement, teach them how to protect animals, and ordinarily the animals live longer and better than they do in the wild.
I think that we should have zoos because they help educate people on what they can do to help endangered animals, and also fills them with amazement seeing all kinds of cool animals. As stated in the text “ Do Animals Lose in Zoos,” “many zoos pride themselves as being centers for scientific studies and research.” “They …show more content…
Also because they think it ruins the animal’s natural survival instinct. The animals can’t roam free or choose their own mate like they can in the wild. According to the text “The Impact of Animal Protection,” In man made environments, animals are isolated from others and their natural diet is limited.” Nature parks cannot mimic the wild completely and it is typically hard for animals born in captivity to learn survival instincts after being released.
It’s still a good idea to have zoos to help endangered animals get back on their feet. In all I don’t know what it would be like without zoos, but while they’re around they will fill people with wonder. They will teach people how to save and protect wildlife, and protect more animals than they ever could in the wild. In the end what do you want a mass extinction or the ability to stop