Against Euthanasia Essay 2
Some People feel that a dying person should have the option to be euthanized to end their time of intense suffering. But is that the right thing to do? Should people have the choice to end their own life? What is euthanasia anyway? Euthanasia is when a terminally ill patient chooses to end her\his own life by participating in physician-assisted suicide. The practise of euthanasia should never be legalized in the UK and should be banned wherever it is presently legal such as Belgium, Netherlands, and few parts of USA. I think euthanasia either, voluntary, involuntary, or nonvoluntary, direct or indirect is wrong for a number of reasons. Firstly, let the ill people live as long as they can, maybe there will be a cure for them in the future. The advances in medical science the recent past have been inspiring. Some medical conditions, which were thought to be incurable earlier, can now be cured. These advances in medical technology have made it possible, to completely cure several types of deadly diseases such as pneumonia, malaria, cancer, kidney failure etc. We aren’t giving them a chance to live; we are depriving them of hope to recover. Just like the past, the diseases that we might think to be incurable might be completely curable tomorrow. Legalizing such a thing will only persuade more people to give up their courage and will to fight it out. You will only see more people in critical 50-50 conditions taking this option.
Secondly, It is against the will of god to end a life. Religious groups would ultimately argue euthanasia is a crime against life. I am a Christian person and we believe that euthanasia is wrong. Life is a gift from god, god has created birth and death and it is a part of the life processes so we should respect them, therefore no human being has the authority to take the life of any innocent person, even if that person wants to die. The Ten Commandments states “thou shall not kill” that suggest euthanasia is wrong. I know that euthanasia is a way to relieve extreme pain and a way to end the suffering. But I always remember when the Son of God (jesus) suffered for us, for our sins, he didn’t cut short his suffering therefore not down to us to end our life.
And thirdly, there’ll be more and more sick people considering this option and giving up their fight against their illness. The patients might even consider it thinking of how much of trouble they are causing their family.
All in all, keeping hope alive in a patient is very important. As it is a person in extreme pain has very little hope, why kill it too by providing him with a hope destroying alternative? It is up to the people around to instill hope in him/her to fight it out. Let people live,give them hope life is very important, every single life. Ban euthanasia.