7. '90: Two Paintings, Peasants Dance by P. Brueghel, and Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by George Seurat. Analyze what the differences in leisure activities shown in the two paintings reflect about the social life of peasants in the sixteenth century and of urban dwellers in the nineteenth century.
8. '94: Explain the ways in which Italian Renaissance humanism transformed ideas about the individual 's role in society.
9. '96 Compare and contrast the patronage of the arts by Italian Renaissance rulers with that by dictators of the 1930 's.
10. ’98 Discuss how Renaissance ideas are expressed in the Italian art of the period, referring to specific works and artists.
11. ’99 Machiavelli suggested that a ruler should behave both “like a lion” and “like a fox”. Analyze the policies of TWO of the following European rulers, indicating the degree to which they successfully