Farrah D. Webber-Baker
January 5, 2015
Maxine Craig
Crime Data This paper will show the comparison of aggravated assaults in the metropolitan cities of Charlotte, North Carolina and Chattanooga, TN. An explanation will also provide details in which metropolitan area reported the most incidents and the rates of the crime for each area. Also in this text, you will find information regarding any rate changes over time in those areas. Finally I will discuss any major key factors that may explain any differences in the changed rates. By definition aggravated assault can be described as the crime of physically attacking another person which results in serious bodily harm and/or is made with a deadly or dangerous …show more content…
The explanation behind the vast difference behind such an increase in the rates is due largely in part to Charlotte being quadruple the size of Chattanooga. Some contributing factors that may cause the number of cases to be filed in both cities could be an increase in the job market or the lack of thereof. Drugs and prostitution can also be accountable for the increase in aggravated assault cases in Charlotte and Chattanooga. Even though Chattanooga is much smaller it does not make the city immune to violent crimes such as aggravated assaults. A person age, race, gender, setting effects as well as temporal effects can contribute to a rise in aggravated assaults. Rates of aggravated assault are greatest in the South (44.5%)( rutgerscps.weebly.com). Temporal effects such as night clubs, also can cause an escalation in the rate of aggravated assault cases. Nightclub patrons from different social groups may encounter one another leading to violence (rutgerscps.weebly.com). Because of the amount of alcohol that is dispensed tempers may can flare and cause an up roar among club goers. Things can change in a blink of an eye and the majority of those whom drink or consume illegal drugs are at an increased risk of becoming an offender or a victim of aggravated …show more content…
The first form of assault is an act or attempted act or an appearance of an attempt to immediately physically injure another person. The second form of assault is a show of violence. In the first form of assault, the state must prove that the defendant intended to commit an unlawful touching (chetson.com). In the state of Tennessee aggravated assault is a class A felony, and any person that commits an assault if the offender intentionally and recklessly cause any serious physical injury to another person can face serious charges. Aggravated assault can also be linked to juvenile cases if the parent or guardian has committed any violent and abusive behavior the alleged under age child. (Tenn. Code Ann. §39-13-102.)(