Externally Imposed Reform: This reform was successful after World War II in East Asia. According to Handelman, the US occupation command limited the land ownership in Japan to 10 acres and transferred 41 % of the country’s farmland from landlord to their tenants. That way the number of landless tenants fell from 28% to 10%. Same pressure was encouraged in Taiwan and South Korea and ownership of farmland was limited to a very small number. The transformation was successful with a huge agricultural productivity, rural standard of living and also strengthening the political stability. But later this land reform were not very successful in Southeast Asia and Central America. The property owners or the landlords refused and used the extensive political power to obstruct rural reform (Handelam, 2009 p 182).
Revolutionary Transformation: The inequality in land ownership is the major cause of revolution. Land reform itself is the central demand of most agrarian based revolution. According to Handleman, “Revolutionary reform is generally considered more far reaching than any of the other approaches, the way in which the Government implement land reform frequently does not please the peasant recipients. Marxist regime converted