Some primary infections for HIV are Fever, Muscle soreness, Rash, Headache, Sore throat, Mouth or genital ulcers, swollen lymph glands, mainly on the neck, Joint pain, Night sweats and Diarrhea. If you receive no treatment for your HIV infection, the disease typically progresses to AIDS in about 10 years. By the time AIDS develops, your immune system has been severely damaged, making you susceptible to opportunistic infections diseases that wouldn't trouble a person with a healthy immune system. The signs and symptoms of some of these infections may include Soaking night sweats, Shaking chills or fever higher than 100 F (38 C) for several weeks, Cough and shortness of breath, chronic diarrhea, Persistent white spots or unusual lesions on your tongue or in your mouth, Headaches, Persistent, unexplained fatigue, Blurred and distorted vision, Weight loss, and Skin rashes or bumps.
If you think you may have been infected with HIV or are at risk of contracting the virus, see a health care provider as soon as possible.
There is no cure for AIDS, but medications are effective in fighting HIV and its complications. Treatments are designed to reduce HIV in your body, keep your immune system as healthy as possible and decrease the complications you may develop. In other words if you do have aids to get a treatment you will have to work with your doctor to develop a treatment plan that best meets your needs. Three main factors will be considered when designing your treatment plan (Your willingness and readiness to begin therapy, the stage of your disease, and other health problems)