Airedale Springs is a spring manufacturing company have taken many steps to stay competitive in the market.
The bonus system, which has been introduced earlier has been abolished, instead employee assessment is introduced for employees and their team leader based on their merits for skills, attitude, performance and attendance. The occurrence of merit assessment reviews are made in every six months.
In addition to that, flexible working hours has been introduced based on the employees’ willingness, indiscriminating full time and part time employees. Job specification were reviewed and given a clear-cut idea about their job roles. Employee training were given importance, assessment, and scores were given based on the performances. …show more content…
These efforts have concentrated on continuous improvement project (CI ) project teams and two way communication has been given importance and that was applicable to all. CI team undertakes only four projects at a time, skills and time of other employees are used to perform the project successful. No new projects are taken until the projects are completed until successful implementation.
After completion of project, a review is held to record whether introductory targets have been met or surpassed, furthermore, to concur whether any further work ought to be done around there. Introductory task gatherings comprised of conceptualizing of thoughts, and voting in favor of which undertakings to handle to begin with, taking into record issues, for example, cost viability, disappointment, change in quality, and making life simpler, at first for the representative, at the end of the day for the client and the organization, by method for a more content