FDA approved device Airocide uses exclusive NASA technology to eliminate airborne pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria, mould, fungi, viruses, dust mites, allergens, odors and harmful volatile organic compounds (VOC's). This patented NASA technology uses no filters, is self-cleaning, offers low annual maintenance cost and is green, producing no ozone. It has been extensively tested over the last 12 years by leading laboratories and universities in the United States such as the University of Wisconsin, Texas Tech University, Texas A&M, and the National Renewable Energy Lab, among others. is proven….
AiroCide® is a US
provides 99.9998% clean air.
Several clinical studies have shown that hospital acquired infections can be substantially reduced, as the Airocide technology produces 99.99987 per cent elimination of airborne bacteria fungi mould, as well as all types of viruses including H1N1 or any of its variants.
India Contact :
Life Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd Airocide-Exclusive Distributor to Biotech Research & Industry in India +91-9810521400 Tel # +91-11-4220-8000; Fax: +91-11-4220-8444
is Generations ahead……
There are two ways to tackle the problem. Shield yourself from the germs. Or eliminate them. AiroCide® eliminates virtually all known airborne germs and diseases. The technology is so powerful; it even reduces the bio-burden within HEPA and laminar flow environments. Choose clinically proven, 99% effective Airocide®. Installation is a life or death decision.
destroys airborne bacteria, mold, fungi, viruses, volatile organic compounds (VOC's) & odors. Because the technology in these systems was developed by NASA, they are not filtering systems and produce no harmful byproducts like ozone; they are superior to any other air sanitation systems on the market. The AiroCide