There is the average middle-class American who finds meaning in having the newest pair of Nike sneakers to show off, and then there is the person making those shoes in a sweatshop, completely unaware of the fashion world in America, who finds meaning in seeing her children eat, as it is a struggle to put a meal on the table. You could offer this person a free pair of Nike sneakers, but the brand would probably be irrelevant to this person, as it has no meaning to her. So The Myth of Sisyphus shows us that no matter the circumstances we live under, it is all about the meaning you give to your life. It does not matter if you are religious or not, rich or poor, have everything you want or are stuck doing something against your will, it is all about how you perceive it. Sisyphus was able to overpower the rock that was supposed to be weighing him down, because he created meaning out of it. The myth inspires us to live on through our struggles, and create meaning out of
There is the average middle-class American who finds meaning in having the newest pair of Nike sneakers to show off, and then there is the person making those shoes in a sweatshop, completely unaware of the fashion world in America, who finds meaning in seeing her children eat, as it is a struggle to put a meal on the table. You could offer this person a free pair of Nike sneakers, but the brand would probably be irrelevant to this person, as it has no meaning to her. So The Myth of Sisyphus shows us that no matter the circumstances we live under, it is all about the meaning you give to your life. It does not matter if you are religious or not, rich or poor, have everything you want or are stuck doing something against your will, it is all about how you perceive it. Sisyphus was able to overpower the rock that was supposed to be weighing him down, because he created meaning out of it. The myth inspires us to live on through our struggles, and create meaning out of