Plunder we took, and we enslaved the women” (Ch. 9 Lines 47-48). After, Odysseus and his man killed all this people, Odyssues man wanted to stay and feast in the island, and since Odysseus ego was so big, he thought that he could stay in an island where he killed most of their citizens and eat their food like nothing had happen. While everyone was eating people from Kikones were able to recruit some of their people and start attacking back Odysseus and his people, who fled to their ship. This whole encounter shows how Odysseus, and also his men believed that they were invincible, and nothing would of ever happen to them. Odysseus attitude, put his life and the life of his men in danger in many occasions, barely fleeing a place
Plunder we took, and we enslaved the women” (Ch. 9 Lines 47-48). After, Odysseus and his man killed all this people, Odyssues man wanted to stay and feast in the island, and since Odysseus ego was so big, he thought that he could stay in an island where he killed most of their citizens and eat their food like nothing had happen. While everyone was eating people from Kikones were able to recruit some of their people and start attacking back Odysseus and his people, who fled to their ship. This whole encounter shows how Odysseus, and also his men believed that they were invincible, and nothing would of ever happen to them. Odysseus attitude, put his life and the life of his men in danger in many occasions, barely fleeing a place