Odysseus in The Odyssey Odysseus was definitely courageous in The Odyssey. Odysseus’ actions are important because they demonstrate how a small act that is spur of the moment can save many people’s lives. For an act to be courageous, it must require extreme danger to the individual. Defeating Polyphemus was definitely dangerous …show more content…
(he was a man-eating cyclops giant). Early in The Odyssey, Odysseus revealed his fear of Polyphemus when he said, “Gripped by terror, we shrank back into a deep corner” (Homer 31). But, he decided to escape anyways with his men. Later in The Odyssey, Odysseus was also courageous when he blinded the cyclops, he explains that they “Held the sharpened olivewood stake, and thrust it into his eye, while I threw my weight on the end, and twisted it round and round…” (Homer 33) These incidents made Odysseus a better person by making him or showing him that he was noble, and not selfish. He did not leave his men alone, to die, and be killed by Polyphemus. Therefore, Odysseus was courageous in The Odyssey because he knew Polyphemus was dangerous, but he decided he was not going to be a coward, and try to escape with his men.
Joby in The Drummer Boy of Shiloh Joby, a drummer boy, is courageous in The Drummer Boy of Shiloh. Joby’s actions are important because they show us how each and every person has a purpose, and even though he was underappreciated by most people, he still did his duty. For an act to be courageous, the individual must be acting in a noble or honorable cause. Joby’s honorable cause was to drum during the battle. Early in The Drummer Boy of Shiloh, Joby shows his anxiety when he says, “Me. I got only a drum, two sticks to beat it and no shield” (Bradbury 21). Every other soldier and captain had a shield and sword, while Joby only had his drum and two sticks. It was as if Joby had “brought a knife to a gun fight,” his drum sticks being the knives. Yet, he still showed courage when he decided to go on and not let his lack of protection discourage him from doing his job. Joby, like Odysseus, made himself a better person by proving to himself that he could do the “impossible,” and help his soldiers.
Malala Yousafzai in I Am Malala:
The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban Malala Yousafazai, was unquestionably courageous in I Am Malala. Malala’s actions are important because they display how one person wanting to make a difference in the world, can and will. For an act to be courageous, it should be dangerous but noble, and make the world a better place. In I Am Malala, Malala really shows how dangerous her situation really was and how she did not let fear drag her dreams down, when she wrote, “I had two options- one was to be silent and be killed. And the second was to speak up and then be killed. I chose the second. I decided to speak up.” Both paths were dangerous either way, but Malala was determined to change her life that was consumed by pain and suffering without education; by speaking up for the young women of Pakistan. On October 9th, 2012, she was shot when she was traveling home from school. Even though her courageous actions almost cost Malala her own life, she survived, and made the world a better place by breaking the old traditions of Pakistan, which lead there to be education for young women.
Charlie Gordon in Flowers for Algernon Charlie was not courageous in Flowers for Algernon.
Charlie’s actions are important because they reveal how we can make irrational decisions without knowing the dangers. Charlie was definitely being brave in choosing to do his surgery, for an act to be courageous, it must involve extreme risk or danger, but it should not be for a personal gain, it should be moral. Charlie agreed to do the surgery, but only because it was going to help him become intelligent. Sure, it would’ve helped his doctors improve the procedure for future trials. But, that doesn’t mean they are helping save someone’s life, they are only improving it temporarily. Earlier in the Flowers for Algernon movie, Charlie reveals how foolish and not courageous his actions were when he tried to use the mixer (in the factory he worked at), without proper training. For an act to be courageous, it must not be irrational. The equipment was dangerous, and Charlie could’ve gotten hurt. Later in the Flowers for Algernon movie, Charlie revealed how selfish he was when he stood up against Dr. Strauss in Chicago. It’s understandable that Charlie was standing up for himself, but he embarrassed Dr. Strauss even after all he had done for him. Charlie was acting like the sun, wanting planets (or everyone and everything) to revolve around
Fred Collins in A Mystery of Heroism Fred Collins was not courageous in A Mystery of Heroism. Collins’ actions are important because they explain to us how we will attempt to do brave and/or courageous actions, just to impress others. Collins was being brave in choosing to fetch water for comrades during a battle, for an act to be courageous it must involve extreme risk or danger, but it should not be irrational, or foolish. Collins chose to fetch water, but only to prove a point to his comrades that he would succeed. In the middle of A Mystery of Heroism, Collins’ unnecessary need for water was revealed when the colonel and captain had a conversation, “We ain’t dyin’ of thirst are we? That’s foolishness.” (Crane 6). Later in A Mystery of Heroism, Collins’ managed to get water, and stopped to give it to a dying man (Crane 9). It could be seen from a perspective that shows he was not being selfish or foolish, but it was foolish because the man was going to die anyways, and not benefit by drinking Collins’ water. And that is not all, Collins was close to dying while giving the man some water. He was open in that spot and could’ve been easily shot and killed while the battle was still going on. Charlie Gordon was not courageous, he was selfish and only cared about the benefits of his surgery for himself. Fred Collins was also not courageous, he was selfish and was only trying to prove a point. Odysseus did not run away from Polyphemus nor abandon his men, his courage “encouraged” him to stay and help his men escape from Polyphemus by blinding him. Joby did not choose to leave and not drum, his courage showed him that he did not need a sword and armor (protection) to drum. Malala did not choose to be silent about the education system for young women in Pakistan, her courageous actions led her to be shot. But, she changed the education system to allow young women to go to school in Pakistan. Courage is doing something that is dangerous and noble, but not irrational. It should also make you a better person, or the world a better place. Odysseus in The Odyssey, Joby in The Drummer Boy of Shiloh, and Malala in I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban, all did dangerous and noble acts that were not irrational. They all made themselves into better people, and Malala made a difference in the world that was for the better. Therefore, Odysseus, Joby, and Malala were, indeed, courageous.