Aim: To see the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of the water flea Daphnia.…
The purpose of this lab is to test what effect of Nicotine, Acetylcholine, Epinephrine, Caffeine, and Ethanol on an organism’s heart rate.…
The following study was conducted in order to determine the effects of four different pharmaceutical compounds on the heart rate of Daphnia specimens. After basal heart rate was observed and computed, four different solutions each containing either an adrenergic, muscarinic, or nicotinic agonist or antagonist was tested against individual Daphnia. Observations were made through a compound light microscope through the 10x objective. It was found that nicotine decreased, caffeine increased, lidocaine decreased, epi decreased basal heart rate. This can be explained secondary to their effects as either receptor antagonists or agonists.…
An electrocardiogram, abbreviated as ECG in this report, is a visual representation of an organism’s atrial and ventricular depolarization and repolarization. Previous research has shown that although there is variability in the amplitude and shape of the waves of ECG, dependent on the subject’s health, it follows a universal pattern that can be used effectively for biometrics. The experiments discussed in this lab report were performed on Daphnia, humans and crayfish to demonstrate the effects of various stimulus on cardiac activity, i.e. heart rate. The data presented in this lab report was measured via ECG software for human and Crayfish cardiac activity, while the…
The purpose of lab number thirteen was to examine the response of the daphnia to a chemical stimulant. Also examined was how human resting heart rates differed from the daphnia’s. Stimulants are any substances that raise the levels of activity in the body. Stimulants could be a number of things such as physical or chemical. Physical stimulus usually deal with something that affects the five senses such as sight, hearing these could be attributed to loud noises or too much light going into your eye. Chemical stimuli differ because chemicals such as caffeine and alcohol usually cause these to affect cognitive abilities and heart rate. These same things can also affect muscle response and glandular response causing twitches and the production…
An experiment was held, on an aquatic invertebrate called ‘Daphnia’, to investigate the effect of caffeine on its heart rate. The fact that Daphnia is a transparent organism facilitates the experiment as it allows us to see its internal organs. Different caffeine solutions of different concentrations were used including one control solution without any caffeine in it at all. A caffeine solution is placed onto a Daphnia and the number of its heart beats within 10 seconds was counted. This procedure was repeated 10 times using the same concentration of caffeine but different Daphnia individuals each time. Afterwards this was repeated using different concentrations. All factors should be kept constant in order to be able to compare the results. The overall results were that as caffeine concentration increases, Daphnia’s heart rate increases too.…
In this investigation I am going to see how alcohol affects the heart. Due to the ethical and safety issues involved in using in an investigation such as this I am going to use Daphnia (water flea) to conduct this experiment. Although humans and Daphnia are very different organisms, the affect that alcohol has upon the heart should be similar.…
Ethanol was given at 0.1mM and 1.0mM. The pulse rate difference was 10.31. Caffeine was given at 0.1mM and 5mM. The pulse rate difference was 1.7241. Since the worms were small and weighed little, they absorbed the drugs at a faster rate. Within 5 minutes the drugs had affected their original heart rate. The worm’s size and the worm’s heart rate work together. This experiment is valid because the worms at first we’re more active and after the drug was administered they became more still. With a higher concentration of alcohol the worms’ ends began to curl while their bodies stayed straight. For the most part, their pulsation rates decreased because alcohol is a depressant. Alcohol causes the organisms to feel sluggish and if a higher dosage was administered to the worms neurological damage could have occurred. The findings are reliable because those that also used alcohol with the worms conducted similar findings. With a smaller dose of ethanol, the change in pulse rates from initial heart rate to final heart rate was more in the negatives. Meanwhile, caffeine is an excitatory drug and causes organisms to experience bursts of energy. Caffeine is an antagonist, which means that it occupies receptors without activating them. It caused the worms to curl up and stretch, as their pulses increased. Then nicotine caused the worms to become more…
In this Lab we will study the effect of different concentrations of adrenalin on the heart rate daphnia, the water flea.…
This occurs after feeding, during sleep, and during breath-holding and swimming underwater. A slowed heart rate and the associated fall in the rate of ejection of blood from the heart is sufficient to maintain body function during rest, and conserves energy in the heart under conditions where its supply (and the supply of oxygen in the blood) are diminished. A drug that slows heart rate is called a negative chronotrope and this is demonstrated in this experiment where acetylcholine is used to slow the rate of the Daphnia's…
Cited: "Effects of Caffeine on the Heart Rate of the Human Body." LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d.…
Caffeine is a stimulant. It will work by causing the nervous system to work faster. Also, it will cause the blood vessels to constrict. (LaFave, 2003) These effects will work together to increase an animals heart rate. Under normal circumstances, the heart rate will increase as more caffeine is added. At some point the high concentration of caffeine will cause the heart to stop functioning.…
In this experiment we were examining the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia which are water fleas. In my opinion I think that the caffeine will affect the heart rate because when the caffeine enters your blood from the stomach and small intestine it begins to stimulate your central nervous system, the Caffeine stimulates receptors in the cells of your heart to increase your heart rate. The increase of this heart rate speeds up your blood flow as well as increase in blood sugar, urination and blood sugar. So, considering that you can see the through the transparent fleas after dropping the caffeine on them you will witness the hearts beat as a greater haste than usual. So, I will experiment this hypothesis by placing Daphnia under a microscope and recording the heartbeats before pouring the caffeine and after pouring the caffeine.…
The purpose of this laboratory exercise was to demonstrate and explain the effects caffeine on the circulatory system of blackworms and to test the hypothesis that high concentrated caffeine will double the heart rate pulsation of blackworms. Blackworms have several complex systems including a closed circulatory system: a complete digestive tract: and a nervous system, including a brain and a cord. Because of the transparent skin of the blackworm, its large dorsal blood vessel is very easy to see through the microscope. Since the rate of pulsation is easily seen and calculated it’s easy to test the effects of different chemicals on their cardiovascular system. Since it’s known that caffeine increases the blood pressure one might expect that the blackworms under the influence of caffeine will show a grater average of pulsation rate.…
Information I will provide in this report will show whether consuming coffee increases a person’s heart rate.…