What is Alcohol and Drug Abuse?
Derek Williams
This paper will discuss what alcoholism and drug abuse is, what the different types of drug abuse are, what the causes of alcoholism and drug abuse are, and how it is determined. It will also explain the history of, and what are the treatments of alcohol and drug abuse. People abuse substances such as drugs, alcohol, and tobacco for varied and complicated reasons, but it is clear that our society pays a significant cost. Use and abuse of substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs may begin in childhood or the teen years. Certain risk factors may increase someone's likelihood to abuse substances. Drug abuse is related to an individual not being able to cope with everyday social situations and personal relationships, the reinforcing qualities of drugs, peer influences, and expectations of the drugs effect. Many drugs can be rated on a stimulation to depression scale according to their effects on the central nervous system. Addictive drugs increase dopamine activity in the medial forebrain bundle and nucleus accumbens, stimulating the frontal cortex and giving rise to intensified feeling of pleasure.
The number one thing that affects a person with an alcohol or drug problem is denial. The denial is used as an unconscious defense mechanism to control anxiety by denying the existing troublesome behaviors. Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug. Alcoholism is defined as a chronic, progressive behavioral disorder characterized by a strong urge to consume alcohol beverages without limits to the amount being drank ("National Institute on Alcohol Abuse”). Drinking becomes too much when it causes or elevates the risk for alcohol-related problems or complicates the management of other health problems. There are different strokes for different folks for the way some individuals mind and body react to