Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A) community service I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A) meeting, I felt in love with those meeting. I attended a meeting on April 23 at 6 pm. Location 1773 Griffith Park Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. A.A membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism. Hence the may refuse none who wish to recover. Nor ought A.A. Membership to ever depend upon money or conformity. Any two or three alcoholics gathered together for sobriety may call themselves an AA group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation. This particular AA group was mix, men, women, young people, doctors, gays and others. They were all alcoholics, seek help, have different profession.
Becoming an AA member is easy; the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Thus, group membership requires no formal application, just as you are members of AA, if you say you are. This AA meeting was an open meeting (open to alcoholics and non alcoholics. The chairperson opened the meeting with the A.A preamble and a few remarks, call for a moment of silence and recite the serenity prayer. At the end, they read from the book Alcoholics Anonymous- frequently a portion of chapter 5 “How it works” and chapter 3 “More about Alcoholism”. Meetings closed with members reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Background for many of their topic meetings derives from their Big Book, Twelve steps and twelve traditions. (1953). As Bill sees it and the AA. Grapevine. A few specific topic suggestions would include; acceptance versus admission, freedom through sobriety, principles versus personalities, fear (or the nameless fears), surrender, gratitude, anger, willingness, honesty, attitude, resentments, making amends, humility and tolerance. Then one or more members selected beforehand shared as described in their big book, telling what they were like, what happened and what they are like now. This group prefers that members who speak have a...