The Effects of Drinking on an
Offspring’s Cognitive Development
In the article “A conceptual model for the development of externalizing behavior problems among kindergarten children of alcoholic families: Role of parenting and children 's self-regulation”, Eiden, Edwards and Leonard (2007) conducted a study on the effects having an alcoholic parent on a child’s behavioral development. They examined the behavior of children from the age of 12 months through development into kindergarden resulting from an alcoholic parents influence. Eiden, Edwards and Leonard (2007) compared behavior between children who came from an alcoholic family background, to those who were not exposed to alcoholic situations. The main research question posed by the team was a hypothesis that alcoholic family situations cause children to exhibit problematic behaviors such as issues with Effortful Control3 as well as depression. Eiden, Edwards and Leonard (2007) had children participate in a study where the child was told not to play with a certain toy before their parent was removed from then room. Once the parent was removed, an unfamiliar face entered and played with the toy, and then left the child alone in the room for 8 minutes. In this article Eiden et al (2007) studied two separate groups of children from the “average” population of Erie County in New York State. One group was of families consisting of parents who had no or few current alcohol problems, while the other group contained families where one parent suffered from an alcohol problem. They found a direct connection between a higher amount of negative behavior developing in children with a parent who had alcoholic tendencies, specifically an alcoholic father. This research was important because it was one of the first to investigate the correlation between alcoholic parents and children’s behavioral development from infancy, where most studies focused on early adolescence and follow the development of an
References: Eiden, R., Edwards, E., & Leonard, K. (2007). A conceptual model for the development of externalizing behavior problems among kindergarten children of alcoholic families: Role of parenting and children’s self-regulation. Developmental Psychology, 43(5), 1187-1201. doi: 10.1037/0012-1649.43.5.1187 Rangarajan, S., & Kelly, L. (2004). Family communication patterns, family environment, and the impact of parental alcoholism on offspring self-esteem. ournal of Social and Personal Relationships, 23(4), 654-671. doi: 10.1177/0265407506065990