Alice is a positive character in the story of Alice in Wonderland. She is the main character of the story. Lewis Carroll does a good job of portraying Alice as a young curious and well mannered lady. Youth and innocence can describe Alice as a positive character. Throughout the whole story Alice gets confused quit easily when talking to the other people in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter and the Caterpillar especially. Although she is in an obscure and crazy world, Alice keeps her cool for the most part and tries to keep her senses. In the world of Wonderland, however, being sane is mad, which allows Alice to fit right in with the others (From Alice on Stage). The White Rabbit was made to contrast Alice in every way. He is timid, old, punctual, and often nervous. The White Rabbit can be seen as a positive character because he is white in color, also because he is somewhat helpful. Although he is shy and nervous he does not do anything that would make him be considered a negative character. I would say he is somewhat of a mediator, neither positive nor negative. The White Rabbit is significant in the story of Alice in Wonderland in order to understand Alice more (From Alice on Stage). Most unique of them all is the Cheshire-Cat. When Alice first comes across the Cheshire-Cat he is in the house of the Duchess and is grinning very widely. From the way he is first described I thought that he was going to be a negative character in the story. His grin seemed some what villainous and because he was mysterious led to the conclusion he was a negative character. After the book goes on the Cheshire-Cat is very calm and sensible in the mad world of Wonderland. He helps Alice when she need someone to talk to and when she has questions about Wonderland. The Cheshire-Cat is the most knowledgeable about Wonderland and fits right in when it comes to craziness (Spark Notes from Alice in Wonderland). The only negative character I found in the story of Alice in Wonderland was the Queen of Hearts. Some of the other characters have their moments of rudeness or snappy ways but none of them can be identified as complete negative characters besides the Queen of Hearts. When we first meet the Queen she comes into the yard yelling orders at everyone and being very rude. From the beginning you can tell that the Queen has anger and fury within her. Because she is red in color she can be identified as negative. Red usually has a bad connotation and is usually associated with anger and fire or fury. She makes irrational decisions, most of them affecting everyone but herself. Everyone in her court is afraid of her because she is known for prosecuting and beheading anything and anyone who gets in her way (From Alice on Stage). Of all the characters in Alice in Wonderland the Queen of Hearts and Alice are the most significant. I would not say that in this story there is a hero or villain, but just positive and negative characters. A lot of the characters in the story were middle characters that had no sense of good or bad, they were just mad. Everyone in Wonderland was mad, including Alice, that is why she ended up in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll defined each character using their personalities. The Queen of Hearts impatient, loud, and obnoxious and Alice is curious, sensible, and has a sense of superiority. Readers can tell the difference between positive and negative characters by the how each character interacts with one another and their personalities. Alice, the White Rabbit, and the Cheshire-Cat all interact nicely with others unlike the Queen of Hearts.
Works Cited
Carroll, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland. New York, NY: Norton & Company, 1992.
Carroll, Lewis. "From Alice on Stage". Alice in Wonderland. New York, NY: Norton & Company, 1992.
SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.
Cited: Carroll, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland. New York, NY: Norton & Company, 1992. Carroll, Lewis. "From Alice on Stage". Alice in Wonderland. New York, NY: Norton & Company, 1992. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 15 Mar. 2010.