She said to Resendyll, “Your ring will always be on my finger, your heart in my heart. You must go and I must stay.”
She made it clear to him that she would prefer to sacrifice her love for the sake of honor and duty.
She remarked,“My honor lies in being true to my country and to my house. I do not know why God had let me love you: but I know that, I must stay.”
The noble and daring decision glorified the character of Princess Flavia very much and earned her great respect and love from the readers. ROMANCE CHARACTER:She is gentle, kind truth and sincere. Flavia is the only character, which bring love and beauty. She is the cousin of the King and after him she is the next their to the throne people also love her and they were very happy to hear that she was going to be married to the King. SOBERNESS AND INTELLIGENCE:Princess Flavia is a wise woman. She knows that Black Michael wants to marry her but she does not care of him. She knows also that Black Michael wants to become the King. She very intelligently keeps her away from all sort intrigues. She is a sensible person who has the courage to face the realities of life. Her intelligence and enlightened when she said to Resendyll:“Do be careful,” she went on, “You don’t indeed you don’t keep enough watch on him.” A SINCERE AND DEVOTED PRINCESS:She is gentle, loved, adored, by all and sundry in Ruritania. Love begets love and respect is