The causes of alkaline soil could be natural or just man-made.First of all, to discuss its natural causes. Climate can dramatically affect a soil’s pH. In areas, with low rainfall, the soil tends to ge quite alkaline. Due to less rainfall, alkaline soil substances such as calcim, easily without leaching loss, and ths to alkaline soil.
Another reason is that limestone soil content. Limestone concentration in the soil will affect the pH of the soil because limestone is an alkaline substance, in the presence of limestone soil, places the small substances, such as calcium, have resuted in excessive alkaline soil.
Secondly, wood ash also seriously affect the pH of soil.This is because wood ash can contain 70 percent calcium carbonate in addition to trace ekements including potassium and phosphorus.(2) If there was any fire, forests after burning will make lots of wood ash. Wood ash will stay the place such a long time. A relatively small amount of wood ach can raise pH tremendously; two pounds can make an appreciable difference over 100 square feet of soil, its effects lasting for years.(2)
Finally, about the human causes resulting alkaline soil. The main reason for artificial human agricultural activities. When people farming, they want to use fertilizers to improve soil fertility, get more and better crops, thereby earning