6. INTRODUCTION: All is Quiet on the Western Front begins with Paul Bäumer's company at rest, five miles behind the front lines between Langemark and Bixschoote. They have had very little sleep for the fourteen days since they relieved the front line and seventy of their one hundred and fifty men are dead at the hands of Russian gunfire. The cook, Ginger, has fixed rations for the one hundred and fifty and, after arguing with the lieutenant, grudgingly consents to give all the food to the eighty soldiers left, including double rations of smokes. As the narrator remarks, "Today is wonderfully good."…
In the first chapter, right away it is revealed that the book is told in first person point of view. The narrator, along with other men fighting in the war, is resting and is five miles away from the line of fighting. They had been fighting for the last fourteen days; one hundred fifty men went, but only eighty survived. He mentions how when they are fighting, they barely get any sleep and that the war wouldn’t be as bad if they had more time to rest. Certain charaters are then introduced: Albert Kropp, Müller, Leer, (and the narrator) Paul Baümer. They are all nineteen-year-old volunteers for the war and were from the same class. Additionally, there are Tjaden, Haie Westhus, Detering, and Stanislaus Katczinsky. During meal time, the cook had prepared food for 150 men, but when the cook realizes that only 80 remained after the rest died in battle, the second company is delighted to have more to eat.…
Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front is a World War I anti-war novel that uses different objects that all symbolize different themes that impact the story. The leaves and different seasons impact the storyline to show the point in the lives of Paul and his comrades and to represent their feelings. The beginning of the novel takes place in late summer while everyone is experiencing a short period of lighthearted fun (9). The end of summer is usually associated as a time that people begin to wonder what had happened to the time that had previously appeared to be everlasting. Paul is faced with the stripping of his childhood due to being exposed to the harshness of war immediately after he was living without a care. Paul reports…
In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque describes World War I through the eyes of a soldier, Paul. It goes into details about combat, food shortage, going on leave, and the life at home. While reading this book, I couldn't help but notice that I would get nervous in some chapters about what would happen next. The author goes into so much detail, giving the reader that first person feeling while he/she is reading the book. Remarque also describes the horrific and unthinkable events of World War I by going deeper than the average "war novel," allowing the reader to engage more. The author reveals that World War I is different than the other wars before it because it details the artillery and the civilians' lives. It also reveals that World War I is a trench and chemical warfare which is new.…
Erich Maria Remarque’s book All Quiet on the Western Front explains the brutal and filthy life inside the trenches during the first world war. The story revolves around high school friends who through nationalism and propaganda are convinced to join the war effort. However they did not get the heroic lifestyle they were expecting. Instead they got years filled with death, despair, and fear as they continued to fight and attempt to stay alive. Readers will follow the story and learn the true horrors on the battlefield and how even in a state of hopelessness people will still be human.…
All Quiet on the Western Front Is a Novel told from the perspective of Nineteen year old Paul Bäumer, a German Soldier who joins the war effort on the French front during World War I. Bäumer and a few friends get the idea to join the military after listening to patriotic speeches from their previous teacher, however quickly forsake these ideologies after experiencing the horrors of warfare on the front.…
In the book “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Remarque, the author uses nature, and comradeship, to describe what the characters are going through. Erich uses nature in several ways, such as describing how the soldiers are facing terrible hardships, also it reflects on their sadness, and provides a contrast to the unnatural world of war. The author also uses the theme Comradeship through all the horrifying pictures of death and inhumanity, he talks about when Paul and his friends pick on Himmelstoss and beat him. We think it’s funny because Himmelstoss deserves it for being rude to them, and Paul and his friends are just giving him what he deserves. As we start going farther into the book, we start to realize that beating on someone isn’t funny anymore. We read the how the soldiers feel after assaulting and killing other people, it gives us a disturbing thought about war.…
Erich Maria Remarque’s original 1928 novel, turned movie, All Quiet on The Western Front, is very useful in helping to understand the many social and cultural difficulties soldiers faced in WW1 during the period of 1914-1918. One could argue that the given film is reliable, but being a secondary source this is arguable. AQOTWF exhibits the saviour physical, and mental stress German soldiers of World War 1 encountered, and the raw emotional detachment from civilian life displayed by many on returning home from the front. The film has a strong connection and relation to many poems, letters and images received and taken right from the Western Front itself and is very useful in helping viewers to grasp unique insight of physically commencing in battle, living conditions, and rare friendships formed in such harsh, dreadful conditions.…
“The first bombs, the first explosion, burst into our hearts.” (Remarque 88) This is what the soldiers felt like in Erich Maria Remarque novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul Baumer, a young man serving in the German army during World War One, is constantly being faced with the horrible and terrifying aspects of war. From seeing, his fellow soldiers lying dead on the battle field, to learning how to survive on the western front of the war. With his rifle by his side and his comrade’s right next to him, he knew what his job was to do in the war and that was to serve his country. Although Paul fought for his country in the War, Corrie Ten Boom a member of the Dutch reformed church was faced with the horrific scenes…
My knowledge of World War One was solely built on the works of European writers, which I had a chance to read in high school and university. The books such as All Quiet on the Western Front by German writer Erich Maria Remarque, Death of a Hero by English poet Richard Aldington, Doctor Zhivago by Russian novelist Boris Pasternak and The Good Soldier Švejk by Czech satirist Jaroslav Hašek shaped my view on the subject, giving me a chance to see the history from many different perspectives. However, only this semester, taking the course with professor Gendal, I finally got an opportunity to learn about American view on this historic event. Among all the books we have read, Company K by William March stood out the most; this book got my full attention from the first page. Company K is an intense…
The novel, All Quiet on the Western Front is the harshest story about war ever written. This novel was written by Erich Maria Remarque, based on his real life experience about World War 1. It tells a story about a group of companions at war and how they live their life everyday there. After analyzing the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, readers realized that almost all the characters were either very noble or not noble at all. The one character that stood out of all the character for being a noble man was the narrator, Paul. He is the most noble for being loyal to all his companions, for being sensitive to others and for being selfless in difficult times.…
Throughout history, war has been constantly evolving. Over time, it has taken a new less glorious form. World War One was one of the most devastating and transformative events in human history. In Erich Maria Remarque’s book, All Quiet on the Western Front, he depicts the horrors of “the great war” by showing the complete disregard for human life in modern warfare. This war modeled the way that any future war would be fought. It would shape human history by completely changing the game of warfare and people’s opinions of it. Remarque shows, from his point of view, the terrors that happen on a daily basis on the front lines, and away from it, of World War One. World War One changed the perception of war in a big way and opened the eyes of so many people to the horrors of modern warfare.…
Much like the present, there is a sort of intangible space between the older and younger generations. In All Quiet on the Western Front, youths like Paul Baümer must deal with the disillusion they feel towards what they were taught to believe in by those of the older generation. Once Paul and his fellow classmates are shipped off to war, he and the others learn that some of the things they were taught could not be farther from the truth.…
All Quiet on the Western Front a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, who was also a German veteran from World War I. Remarque’s novel is about a young German named Paul Bäumer who joins the Imperial German military with his friends and goes to fight on the Western Front during World War I. Paul and his friends were encouraged by Kantorek, their teacher, to join the German army because it was a patriotic thing to do. When they reach the Western Front, they begin to realize the horrors of war. Paul is given a chance to go home for a while and he sees how hard it is to adjust to life after being out in the frontlines. Eventually, Paul returns to the Western Front. He goes on patrol one night and stabs a French soldier. Paul watches the French soldier…
Throughout the entire book, many themes can be discovered by the readers, including patriotism, identity, sacrifice, and many others. However, one theme that appears very oftenly throughout the course of the novel is liberty. In many book, the theme liberty is an advance indication of a plot where the characters fight for liberty. However, in this book, “All Quiet on the Western Front,” the theme signifies the lack of liberty throughout the experiences of almost all of the characters. Paul first learned that it was important to show patriotism inside one’s heart. He was very brave to show loyalty toward his country by deciding to go fight in the war. Soon he realized that war was such a burden with no hope for the future. He had to go through continuous troubles, hide from constant threats. There was no freedom anywhere. His life was chained behind bars, being forced to train hard and sacrifice so much to continuously fight till the very end. This wasn’t just the case for him but all of the other soldiers. For example, when being…