Amendment 64
, Twenty First century starts with a time to remember; Colorado passed Amendment 64. Amendment 64 has been in the making for an extended length of time. Bringing history up to date behind the legalization of marijuana, hemp or cannabis. Beginning in 1549, Angolan slaves brought Marijuana; referred to as cannabis, with them to the sugar plantations of North-Eastern Brazil. Allowing the slaves to farm the cannabis plants in open space, with the rows of sugar cane, slaves were also allowed to smoke the plant between harvests. Since Europeans were much aware of the vast uses and benefits of cannabis hemp, it became a large crop in the United States. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp crop at their homes. In the 1800s, British medical persons had begun experimenting with the medical aspects of marijuana. The use of a marijuana tincture, a mixture of alcohol and THC, used to induce appetite for those with addiction problems. Then in 1913, California enforced its first marijuana prohibition law, which criminalized hemp and its products, otherwise known as “loco-weed.” In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act had passed, but the act itself did not criminalize the possession or use of hemp, marijuana, or cannabis but it levied a tax of One dollar on anyone who dealt commercially. In order to be a producer of marijuana or any cannabis product, the government required you to purchase a special tax stamp that allowed you to grow the product; however the government was not issuing any of these stamps which meant that any possession, growth, or use; illegal.(Administrator, 2014) Amendment 64 does away with all legal penalties for personal possession of up to an ounce of marijuana and up to six marijuana plants for the home growers. Localities will have the mandate to ban marijuana establishments, citizen-initiated ballot measures or through their elected representative bodies. The measure will allow law enforcement to focus on
References: Administrator. (2014). American Marijuana History. Weed Street Journal. Click, C. (2014). Colorado Amendment 64 pot legalizationgaining support on both sides of aisle. Aspen Business Journal. Gillentine, A. (2012). Industrial hemp could jump-start economy. Colorado Springs Business Journal. Vlahos, K. (2013). Legal Pot Goes Local in Colorado. Retrieved from The American Conservative: http;// Waite, S. (2014). Colorado Department Agriculture Adopts Industrial Hemp Rules. Journal Advocate, Weise, E. (2014, January 20). Is Marijauna more Dangerous Than Alcohol? USA Today , p.